Stop trying to make your pacing the same as everyone else's.

In this quick 10 minute video, I share why trying to follow someone else's beats may be causing you difficulty with your story and how trying to structure your story exactly the same every time doesn't work for every book.

Ever heard the advice that every book needs an "all is lost" or "black moment" and that it needs to come at around the same time in every book?

Then this video might help you think differently!

This quick video gives you insight into one way you can think differently about pacing rather than following the writing "rules" you've been told you *have* to follow.

Access the free video!

Following Someone Else's Beats Can Get You Stuck!

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    Angela James

    #1 New York Times Bestselling Editor

    Who am I?

    Angela James (she/her), freelance editor and author career specialist, has enjoyed nearly two decades in genre fiction publishing and has edited bestselling books and authors, including #1 New York Times bestsellers.

    What services do I offer?

    • Expert editing & critique
    • 1:1 career consultation and coaching
    • From Written to Recommended VIP Authors community
    • Before You Hit Send writing & editing workshop
    • Publishing Insider Series